Ah, springtime in DC, when a young man's fancy turns to … Poetry. April is National Poetry Month, folks. And the Academy of American Poets is on hand to answer all your burning questions about this month-long celebration.
And if you're looking for the proper way to celebrate, here's the top 30 suggestions, courtesy of the Academy, to get your word on—we especially enjoyed the distribution of thousands of free copies of Eliot's " The Waste Land" at selected post offices across the country on April 15th. Nice touch.
If you're looking for more ways to celebrate, we heartily recommend Commerce. Check out these titles by our favorite DC-area poetry micropress and be prepared to be amazed—we plan on doing our part, this latest title caught our attention and we will be placing our order soon.
Other Poetry Paths:
The Spring Issue of Beltway Poetry Quarterly is up and the theme is "The Science of Love." Guest edited by Kwame Alexander, the issue features five women whose training in science and medicine influences the way they write about relationships. Featuring poems by: Jennifer Gresham, Katy Richey, Maureen O'Dea. Tonya Maria Matthews and Deanna Nikaido
"Scientists are finding that, after all, love really comes down to a chemical addiction between people. Here I was thinking that my wife was attracted to my sonnets and sestinas, and all along it was Dopamine. Maybe it’s not so cut and dry, but certainly there is a connection, and this issue of Beltway takes a look at the intersection of science and love..."
—Kwame Alexander, from his introduction
Also check out the one-month only blog "The Best Words in Their Best Order" by Farrar Straus & Giroux. The blog will focus on "poetry as a spoken art form—meant to be listened to and read aloud—and on the processes that go into making a physical book of poetry." MP3s of FSG poets reading, broadsheets posters for download, book giveaways, and even ringtones for your cell phone are available on the site.
Knopf delivers sight and sound. Sign up for the Poem-A-Day email and audio clips. Also check out the selection of e-postcards with poems to send around. (The Academy of American Poets also delivers daily email Poem-A-Day, and it selections are not publisher specific. )