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I deeply regret and am embarrassed that I forgot that Ms. Weber wrote FOUR (count 'em) novels and not three. Now I need chocolate.



Thanks for bringing us right there into the event.

I'm interested that Weber talked about feminism, particularly in light of the problematic scholar as supporting character in _Triangle_. Did she talk at all about the creation of Ruth Zion and how feminism figures into the book?


Yup, she did. Ruth was so zealously feminist that she saw the fire only through her own lens--that of feminism, and therefore, was looking for her own particular truth. She had an agenda. Katharine, as I mentioned, did also talk about how the fire generated new interest in the 60s because of feminism. Most of the people who died were women, of course, and then there was that business about sewing, which is typically "women's work." I don't want to speak for Katharine but I think this is another part of the whole notion of "whose truth is this and why do we need it to be true?"


That was brilliantly written. And the book was amazing. I stand in awe at these terrific writers that so kindly entertain us with their brains and wit and charm.

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