Old Hag has gone AWOL this week, leaving her blog in the ever-capable mitts of our pal Liam Callanan. But don't despair fans of Lizzie, you can hear the Hag here, sounding neither old, nor haggish. (No need for an iPod; click on the bat picture for some MP3- style love.)
If you missed Reb Livingston, our most Crucial Rooster, read last week at Books and Books, you can listen in here. You'll find our Reb is in fine voice, all throaty and raspy and doing her best to sound like a 10 pack a day smoker—read Reb's blog and see her photos here.
Finally, if you're looking for music, check out the heavy rotation playlist over at Fulmerica Radio. Only up for a limited time, so catch it while you can…