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Dan Wickett

Great essay and great intro THB - This site is rapidly becoming a must check two or three times per day site!


Dan Wickett

I just noticed that the One Story issue just mailed out is by Roxana - I can't wait to receive and read it now.



The biography of O'Keeffe is an amazing book. Roxana Robinson really made O'Keeffe come alive for me. After reading it, I traveled to New Mexico to see some of the places for myself. Changed my life.


Colleen, thanks for posting. Have you read "The Light Posessed," by alan cheuse? I think you would appreciate it. Also, Roxana's "Glimpse of Scarlet" is a wonderful collection.


Thanks, Wendi! This is a lovely and inspiring little essay. I love reading about writer's desks--and that's the question I ended up (without having planned it) asking Edith Grossman at her lecture last week.

eve marx

i was so moved by this story, like so many others who have read it, it really spoke to me. of course i have the special knowledge of some familiarity with your house and Lacey and I can see it all so clearly in my mind's eye. This is an incredible essay, you are an incredible writer, and I am so glad to (even a little bit) know you.


As someone also lucky enough to know both Roxana and Lacey, the essay is even more poignant and wonderful. Thanks for posting it Wendi.


I loved reading those descriptions of that wonderful, peaceful room, especially with the stolen desk, and images of Lacey, patient and devoted to you! And it will be intersting to see what the new writer's room will look like...

Leora Skolkin-Smith

This is, as always, a wonderful essay from Roxana, whose essays are as lucid and graceful as her prose. Thanks for posting it.

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I'd actually love to review these boxes on my shopping/lifestyle blog. i wonder if they'd send me a sample box to talk about?

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