It’s Literary Idol time! Good Morning America debuts its three finalists for The Story of My Life contest. Over 6,000 people entered, writing personal stories of adventure, achievement, heartbreak and overcoming the odds. The judges , including writers Mary Karr and James McBride, have chosen three finalists who will appear on air and tell their stories—watch for the third contestant tomorrow morning at 8:05. (Note to self: learn how to program TiVo!)
Then America gets to VOTE!
The winner will be announced live on Good Morning America at the end of April, profiled on 20/20 that same evening, and then whisked away on a national publicity tour to promote their book. Excerpts from each of the THREE BOOKS will be posted on the Simon & Schuster web site.
BOOKS. Yep, you read that correctly. Entire books were written for each of the finalists—(What, you actually thought the finalists wrote the books themselves?) — with the hopes that one lucky winner will see the light of publication.
Tune in tomorrow when The Happy Booker interviews a hardworking author who actually penned one of the featured books. Expect deep and in-depth questions about the writing process, world politics, and the mystery of what ever happened to David Hartman (my mother wants to know!). See you tomorrow! xx, THB
I am out of town! YOU NEED AN EMAIL LINK, a CONTACT THE HAPPY BOOKER link because I do not have a way to contact you from B-ham. I didn't bring the laptop. TELL DALLAS TO GO peep my blog, yesterdays entry, and that I am I am sorry but my LINKS are not working, which enrages me, or I would have linked to both of you yesterday grrr. I have webmneister Scott on the case. Also I am dying of a cold. SO I hope this makes any sense.
I will come back tomorrow to see who the interviewee is!
Posted by: JOSHILYN | March 30, 2005 at 10:44 AM
I just read about this contest in John Stossel's "Give Me A Break" e-mail. Will you be doing this again? I may not win, but would like to include my story. Just a short synopsis: After the war in 1945 my father sold our business, etc., & we went to Lebanon by ship. The primitive experiences we had live within me today and that is why I appreciate our good United States of America. I was 7 years old when we went to Lebanon. We returned in August 1947.
Posted by: Rosemary H. Salem | April 22, 2005 at 11:12 AM
it's good to see this information in your post, i was looking the same but there was not any proper resource, thanx now i have the link which i was looking for my research.
Posted by: Dissertations Writing | February 24, 2010 at 02:05 PM